A manuscript of approximately 40-55 poems which will produce a book of approximately 90-110 pages (count includes poems, front and back matter, blank pages, and section pages)
Include contact information with snail mail address on title page (we do not read anonymous submissions)
One inch margins all around
Include Table of Contents
Include page numbers
Include Acknowledgments Page that lists journals and poem titles. Format as a list, not in paragraph form.
Please note that we allow a maximum of 6 poems from a previously published chapbook(s). Regardless of the number of chapbooks, it’s no more than a total of 6 chapbook poems. Poems previously published in a chapbook should be indicated as such on the Acknowledgments page. Include title of poem and title of chapbook.
In cover letter area include a brief bio and a 4-6 sentence description of your manuscript—in your own words. Do not send a blurb.
We recommend that 25-50% of the poems have been previously published. More is fine.
Simultaneous submission is acceptable but please withdraw your manuscript immediately if it's accepted elsewhere.
If you are resubmitting a revision of a previously rejected manuscript, please describe the revisions you have made to your manuscript.
We strongly suggest that you peruse at least one book from Terrapin Books before submitting. We suggest that you do this with any press before you submit.
Terrapin Books is committed to publishing outstanding books of poetry by outstanding poets. We intend to fully support our poets. We will edit your manuscript and work with you on revisions. We expect our poets to actively engage in promoting their books. We require our poets to maintain a dedicated website and to be a member of Facebook.
Our books are 6 x 9, paperback, color cover, printed spine.
We are committed to publishing accepted titles within 6-12 months of acceptance. We do not maintain a long list of books-in-waiting.
We offer a standard contract, a generous number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by author, and a royalty payment.
Please note that we are unable to accept submissions from outside the US.